About Us
Driven by a passion for detail, creativity and organic Californian cuisine (and a love for life), Founder Brittany Maffia established Urban Organics in 2007. Since its inception the business has flourished into a Bay Area powerhouse leading the way for catering and event planning services.
Brittany and her talented team take immense pride in delivering unparalleled service and an exceptional culinary experience for their clients and guests.

Our Core Values
The Relationships We Build.
We value respect, communication and happiness in all our relationships - both within the company and with all vendors and clients.
The importance of Taking Ownership.
We take ownership for the success of each event and of the company in general. We are personally accountable for delivering on our responsibilities and commitments.
Positive Energy And Positive Attitude, Always.
We choose to enjoy our time at work and seek to create the space for everyone to feel supported.
Exceptional Is How We Operate.
We are exceptional in our relationships; in our customer service; in our menu design; in our parties.
Kindness and Sustainability.
We choose to practice sustainability as a company to the best of our ability. We give back to our community by supporting local farmers and businesses, being conscious of waste management and reducing our overall carbon footprint.